Birch's birth-
Birch gave birth to two healthy kids on Feb. 10, 2006. I had know that she was going to give birth soon, so had locked her up Saturday night in the birthing stall. Sunday morning I went out to check on her and found to my surprise and delight that I hadn't quite missed it, but the kids would be born anytime soon. I ran into the house, grabbed up the towels, camera, and bottles, and raced back outside. The first one was born seconds after I got inside the birthing stall. The other one was born a few minutes later. She had a girl and boy. I named the girl Valentines, and the boy Valiant.
Suzie's birth-
Suzie had a little boy that I named Scamper. Since Suzie only had one and this was her first time, Mom had to pull him out. I wasn't there for this birth. We named him Scamper, because that was what he did best...running, jumping and playing all the time!!
Laritta's birth-
I had been checking on Laritta quite often throughout the day. I missed Bambi's birth, but saw the other two born. We named one Splash and her only girl, Spice. Larrita had a stillborn or Mummified baby as well. That was so sad. It was the first and only time that I have seen a stillborn.
Grommette's birth-
I knew that Grommette was going to have her babies any time, so I began checking on her every twenty minutes. At one of those times, I noticed that she was having a hard contraction, but I didn't know that I should stay with them at that point, so I went back into the house and set the timer for another 20 minutes. When the timer went off, I ran out to check on her again. This time I found her with two babies on the ground and the next one being born. Grommette had a girl and two boys. I named the girl Grodivia, because she was pure brown, the boys were named Tinder and Steel.
Mary's birth- Mary had her two boys on June 26, in the morning. The birth went well and easily. Calvin and I were the only ones that were home. He helped me wipe the babies off with a towel when they were born. We named them Marxy and Molassas.
Life after Delivery
8 years ago