Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yes…..I did shoot the bird!  And yes, my brother & I are planning on shooting more tonight……

Just thought that I would shock you! :)……I guess I am becoming a hunter after all…….


Sarah said...

Wow Jordan!!!!
Kudos to you!!! What kind of bird? Was it in your backyard or not??? Can't wait to talk to ya!!!

Jordan Ruseler said...

Thank you! It is a starling & no, it was in our front yard! :)
Can't wait to talk to you! :)

Unknown said...

Wow Jordan, congratulations!!! Corbin must be terribly happy :). Have you decided that hunting can be fun after all :)? Now we will definitely have to go hunting together sometime :). Miss you!


Jordan Ruseler said...

Thanks Michelle!
Corbin is very happy!! :) Yes, I have decided that hunting is a lot of fun....I enjoy the stalking & the victory of getting the animal!!
Yes, when you go hunting let me know & I will try to be there! :)
Miss you lots....